The Floating Axehead

floating axehead craft elijah

We have all lost things, and I’m sure many of us have turned to God to ask Him to help us find those things. God cares enough about the little things in our life to get involved and help out. 

As a parent, this is a reminder to care about the “little things” that are important in my children’s life and to be involved. If lost things aren’t too small for God, then paying attention to a story, or playing a little game for a few minutes should be important for me to step away from the “busy” and to engage in the little things too. 

p.s. Yes, I know, a very different take to the story, and more for the parents this week 😉 

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Materials & Equipment

  • Printer
  • Paper
  • Colouring Tools
  • popsicle stick or similar 
  • Glue


  • Cut out the axehead, fold it in half. 
  • Place the popsicle stick in place – DO NOT glue the popsicle stick to the axehead. You want it loose enough that it can fling off the stick.
  • Glue around the stick and glue axehead sides together. 
  • Now, kids can act our loosing the axehead while working hard cutting up some wood. 

** HIGHLY RECOMMEND THIS PAPER from Amazon** which I use for ALL my crafts because it’s a bit thicker than ordinary printer paper and prints brilliantly!!!

** This is an affiliate link, which means if you make a purchase, I’ll receive a tiny portion of the sale (this does not increase the price for you!). 

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