Jesus’ Ascension to Heaven Craft

Jesus Ascension Craft Template
Jesus Ascension Bible Craft Template
Jesus goes to Heaven craft
Jesus Ascension Bible Craft Template for kids
Jesus' ascension to heaven
Jesus goes to heaven ascension Bible craft Printable

After His resurrection, Jesus spent 40 days with His disciples, teaching them about God’s kingdom. Then, something amazing happened – Jesus was taken up into heaven right before their eyes! As He rose into the sky, a cloud hid Him from sight. His disciples stood watching in awe until two angels appeared and told them that Jesus would return one day, just as He had left.

Jesus’ ascension reminds us that He is alive and reigning in heaven. He didn’t leave His followers alone – before He went, He promised to send the Holy Spirit to help and guide them. This moment wasn’t a goodbye, it was a promise of something greater! We can be joyful knowing that Jesus is with us always and that one day, He will come back just as He promised.

Acts 1:6-11, Matthew 28:19-20, John 14:16

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Materials & Equipment

  • Printer
  • Paper
  • Colouring Tools
  • Craft Knife (adult use only)


  1. Colour and cut out.
  2. Adults – usea  craft knife to cut along the dashed line.
  3. Insert top of Jesus cut out through slit and pull up from back. 

 ** HIGHLY RECOMMEND THIS PAPER from Amazon** which I use for ALL my crafts because it’s a bit thicker than ordinary printer paper and prints brilliantly!!!

** This is an affiliate link, which means if you make a purchase, I’ll receive a tiny portion of the sale (this does not increase the price for you!).  

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