
prayer craft
prayer craft for kids easy

This craft is to aide children to prayer when young minds can sometimes struggle to think of what to say. Don’t use this craft to “tell” a child what to say, simply ask, “Here is a house, can you think of something to ask or thank God for that has something to do with a house? Maybe you just want to tell Him something?” 

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Materials & Equipment

  • Printer
  • Paper
  • Colouring Tools
  • Scissors
  • Glue


  •  Colour in and cut out pieces. 
  • Glue hand together using the tabs. 
  • Create your own prayer prompts – e.g. your family, friends, etc. 
  • Use this craft in creative ways. Some suggestions:
  • During family worship, or opening/closing Sabbath each member of the family can choose a prayer prompt for their prayer. Remember, that prayer is opening the heart to God, like we do with good friends, so this is a good time to model sharing what’s on your heart rather than just a “prayer request”, or “thanks”.
  • Encourage personal daily prayer every morning and night. Ask them what prayer prompt they used. 
  • Ask your child how could they use this craft to help their prayer life and see what they come up with!

** HIGHLY RECOMMEND THIS PAPER from Amazon** which I use for ALL my crafts because it’s a bit thicker than ordinary printer paper and prints brilliantly!!!

** This is an affiliate link, which means if you make a purchase, I’ll receive a tiny portion of the sale (this does not increase the price for you!). 

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